Paris and Provence 6/22/14

Lois and Michael from Los Angeles are so excited about their upcoming trip (Paris and Provence 6/22/14) Who will be joining us? We are bringing our boys (age 23 and 26) and are wondering if there will be other 20-something's in our group.


  • Hi Lcvalerio,

    There are two other 20-somethings in the group thus far, so your boys won't be alone -- and it's always possible others might book. I hope you all have a wonderful time in Paris!

  • I will be traveling with my 18 yr old granddaughter Mary Carol.

    Kay from Atlnata
  • I will be traveling with my 18 yr old granddaughter Mary Carol.

    Kay from Atlanta
  • We are also on this tour: Barb and her 26-year-old daughter, Grace. She is happy to know that there will be others her age on the tour. She is from Chicago; I live in Ohio. We have been to Europe several times and are looking forward to the sights in the south, especially.

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