france river cruise paris to monte carlo

We're going on the April 9 trip and would appreciate any helpful hints from people who've been on that trip. Is anyone from Northern Virginia going?
What weather should we expect?


  • Hi onthego,

    The south of France has a warm Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. Strong winds, known as the Mistral, can occur in the Cote d'Azur, Provence, particularly in winter and spring. Northern France, including Paris, has a temperature climate similar to southern England with warm summers, cold winters, and rainfall throughout the year. From April to October, the average high temperature in Paris ranges from 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit (approx. 15-25 degrees Celsius) and the average low temperature ranges from 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit (10-20 degrees Celsius). In Arles, the averages are around 5 degrees higher on either scale.

    I hope this helps!

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