Feb 21st Vietnam, Cambodia & Thailand - Ha Long Bay

We arrive on the 20th and are interested in going to Ha Long Bay on the 21st, leaving in the morning and arriving back in time for dinner. A one-day trip. Anyone interested, or have any information that would be helpful? What costs are typical?
We are from central Florida. Judyjeffm@yahoo.com


  • I see you are leaving tomorrow-hope you get this. If you have not already made your reservations you may still be able to do so thru Viator or another large tour. We were there this past Dec and I highly recommend the trip to HaLong Bay. We went thru traveleast, a private tour company. See my post for this past May for details. The more people in your group, the less expensive. The bigger tour companies (ie.viator or whomever) are a lot less expensive for the same trip.

    This was our second favorite trip, Egypt, Israel, Jordan being #1. Have a wonderful time!

    Thinking of relocating to. 55+in Fl. Been there long?

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