Welcome to Tauck’s Cruising Down Under - Westbound Forum

Welcome to Tauck’s Cruising Down Under - Westbound Forum - Find the answers to your trip questions, answer questions posted by fellow travelers, plus share your Tauck experiences and stories. Stop by often and join in on the discussions


  • This trip is definitely on our bucket list in the next couple years. Love the cruise/land tour combo. Any chance you may add/change the trip to go from Melbourne after the cruise, through the Outback & around as in the Australia tour?
  • Hi Peg,

    Why not consider tacking on the existing Spotlight on Australia trip? There is plenty to see if you have to fill in some time between trips.


  • [size=9]We will be in Auckland for one and a half day prior to joining the Tauck group and we were trying to plan places to see that won't duplicate our tour
  • Have a look under the regular, non-cruising, Australia & New Zealand pages. Lots of information and various suggestions for filling in that very short, I must say, spare time of yours.


  • Is there a preferred direction to do this tour?
    Eastbound or westbound?
  • rwags wrote:
    [size=9]We will be in Auckland for one and a half day prior to joining the Tauck group and we were trying to plan places to see that won't duplicate our tour
    Please let us know what you think as you do some research and planning. We're wondering the same thing.
  • Is there a preferred direction ... Eastbound or Westbound?

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