Weather - Italy


Going through old posts and looking online re weather for these beautiful areas for insight to the best time to travel weather wise.

Going solo and there's discounts for April 19th, August 30th, and October 18th.
I have the travel bug NOW. Was thinking of April 19th, but since it's on the Coast maybe it would be too
The weather is so wacky all over the world. <sigh> Thinking October would be chilly. I don't like hot, not sure about August 30th. May and September would be ideal but solo discounts not offered.

Appreciate any guidance.



  • I went in Sept. on the recommendation of someone from Italy and it was just like she said. Not too warm and little rain. I did the Classic Italy trip and was great. I have done 10 trips and I must say this was my favorite. Not only seeing Italy, but as a solo travel on most of my trips this was the best. I lucked out with the other 3 solo travelers and 2 of them had no plans in off time and hung around with me to do what I had done research on. We had such a great time.

    Do the Aug. 30th trip. If you get the weather I had you will be glad. I went swimming every day in Sorrento at the pool.
  • Hi Crackers,

    September is a great month for traveling to most places.

    Thanks for responding.


  • Hi EnjoysTraveling,

    We provide helpful tips on the itinerary pages for each tour, under the Before You Go section. This includes weather information for each month of the year, so you can always find the tour you're looking into and check out the weather information we provide for more help.


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