Good weather for swimming?

I was thinking of taking this tour in 2015, and I am thinking the May 15th timeframe would work best. Is it possible to go swimming this of year in the hotels and especially in Las Vegas? I live in Alaska and don't get many chances to swim in a pool.


  • I have not been on this trip but was on the Canyonlands trip where we stayed at similar places. There is no swimming at Grand Canyon, Bryce or Zion. Not sure about your first stop but doubt it. Of course, there is wonderful swimming at the Four Seasons in Vegas. The National Parks are wonderful.
  • Thank you flatlands64 for answering the question!

    Millerjcat0418, along with the Four Season Las Vegas hotel as flatlands64 said, the Red Cliffs Lodge in Utah also has an outdoor pool for swimming.


  • One would expect the pools in Vegas to work well -- even in May. You will also want to try out the Red Cliffs for swimming (Moab, UT). The altitude should not chill the water too badly. Also you could get wet quickly if your rafting trip becomes windy.

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