January 2015

We just booked this trip for January 22nd. Hopefully all goes well. Had to cancel this year because of husband's surgery. Thing are now looking better and we rebooked the other day. Kept all my notes from this year so I may be overprepared!!!????


  • Excellent news, Sallie! More time to work on that To Do list!


  • Just changed from our Feb. tour to Jan. 22. Looking forward to the journey.
  • That is what we did!! January looked like a better date. We are going in a few days early just to get acclimated. As the time gets closer we will have to chat.
  • Salmcg wrote:
    That is what we did!! January looked like a better date. We are going in a few days early just to get acclimated. As the time gets closer we will have to chat.
    You bet! So glad things are working out.


  • edited February 2014
    Salmcg wrote:
    That is what we did!! January looked like a better date. We are going in a few days early just to get acclimated. As the time gets closer we will have to chat.

    Not sure of our pre/post tour plans. Half a world away from where we live (NY) so hope to extend our journey. Checked and Auckland doesn't have the greatest amount of destination to fly to.
  • We are extending our trip for four days in Bora Bora. We can fly to LAX from Tahiti and then home from there. We figure this will be a nice way to end the trip.
  • We were just there a few weeks ago. It was beautiful!
  • edited February 2014
    rogfam wrote:
    Checked and Auckland doesn't have the greatest amount of destination to fly to.

    There are so many places to visit from Auckland, particularly parts of the North Island you won't visit in your brief whiz round NZ. The Bay of Plenty is just one. It is one of the most stunningly beautiful spots in the whole of the South Pacific. Or the Hawke's Bay region of the North Island. Beautiful countryside, great wines and one of the best Art Deco towns in the entire world … Napier.

    Further afield? Fiji, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Norfolk Island.

    So many destinations!



    PS: Forgot to mention Hawaii, but since you're from NY, you'd already know that. But others might be interested.
  • edited February 2014
    My husband and I are going on the Jan 26th trip. Anyone else booked for that one?

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