
My husband and I just returned from the Patagonia trip that started in Santiago, Chile and focused most of the time in Southern Patagonia: Puerto Natales, Chile and El Calafate, Argentina, winding up in Buenos Aires!

What a "singular" experience! Actually that was the name of the hotel we stayed in for four nights in Puerto Natales!

It was Tauck's second trip to this region and our guide Carla Watson was amazing! Actually the entire trip was sensational...the weather was in the low 50's and mostly sunny but very windy. As a Floridian, I knew to be prepared and I invite you to contact me regarding any of the six layers I wore on top and three layers on the bottom to keep me warm:)

Highlights included: the unique and state-of-the-art hotel I mention above, the dynamic itinerary that included breathtaking landscapes, delicious food, attention to special requests, and lots of surprise events along the way.

While we've traveled with Tauck many times...from the Canadian Rockies to Northern Spain to China, Australia, New Zealand and more, I must say this trip had a flavor all to its own.

As it was the first year Tauck opened Patagonia up as a destination, I doubly applaud them for doing such an outstanding

It's a trip well worth taking!


  • Thanks so much for posting, Betty. I have long been hoping to return to South America and I'm particularly interested in this trip. I did wonder about the summer weather in Patagonia! Can't beat those layers, can you! And you know the best part ….. no one else is going to care that you were wearing 6 layers! Because they were, too. They just weren't as forthcoming and honest as you! :)))))

    Can you tell us a bit about the internal flights, please? Particularly the baggage … checked and cabin … restrictions? There has been a lot of comment about South American internal flights recently here on the forums. Personally, since I will be coming from Australia, I would be away from home for a much longer time than the 12 days of the tour! At the very least, I would be spending extra time in Santiago, Buenos Aires and hopefully adding a side trip the Easter Island … so I might have luggage issues!


  • Re: luggage restrictions: I brought two regulation-size suitcases that I checked on internal flights and carried on a backpack which posed no problem. Remember, Tauck is casual and my clothes compressed nicely in the suitcase!
    For additional information on Santiago or Buenos Aires, or photos of our trip, e-mail me at

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