Is there hiking or walking on trails?

I was wondering if I needed to buy light-weight hiking shoes for the trip? Also, is there free time for that activity or are there trails that regular walking shoes will do?

Is rain gear required for the first week of July?
Thanks, SS


  • Hi Skoo,

    You'll have free time for walking and hiking on trails on day 3, in the afternoon/evening, after you arrive at Old Faithful. Cowboy Country is moderately paced, where you might have to take 1-2 flights of stairs and walk over uneven pavement or cobblestones. You should be able to walk 1-2 miles with no problem to get the most out of things. Going hiking would be a bit more active than that, certainly, so, whether or not you make that purchase is entirely up to you.

    As to the rain gear, it's never a bad idea to bring some with you. I'd recommend a thin windbreaker or similar, something to help with the wind or rain if it does come, but will be small enough for you to easily fit in your luggage, so if you don't need it it won't take up a lot of space.

    I hope this helps!


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