St Petersburg and the Baltic sea

My wife and I are going on the May 10th cruise from Copenhagen to Stockholm. What are the must do activities during your free time, including meals. Any suggestions for packing.


  • I am planning to do this tour, so I cannot give any specifics. As far as packing is concerned if you check the Before You Go section or What to Take on the website, it will give general ideas. I have traveled with Tauck before and the suggestions are valuable. As far as meals, all are included once you are on the ship. I did the small ship around Iceland and most of the on land activities were included with the tour.
  • edited April 2014
    My wife and I will also be on the May 10 trip. She's putting together a spreadsheet of activities for our free time, based on reading some guides for Copenhagen, Tallinn, St. Petersburg, Helsinki and Stockholm. We have a couple of extra days in Stockholm, then are booked on the Tauck land tour that ends in Bergen.

    We've traveled a fair bit internationally, and years ago we each created a packing list so we wouldn't inadvertently leave something behind. The list has evolved over time, but I seem to remember that a good starting list is available on the Rick Steves site.

    Oh - one more thing - pack layers. Difficult to guess what the temperatures and rainfall we'll experience, so we'll take multiple layers, plus Goretex jackets to try and stay dry. I would also take a good walking/hiking stick. Mine has a quick release top so that I can easily pop the camera onto it and use it as a monopod.

    See you in a few weeks. Bill & Linda Ball
  • My husband and I are also scheduled on this May 10 trip which will be or first Tauck adventure. I always find a backpack is crucial for storing all those layers when you take them off.......hopefully. Look forward to meeting you all.

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