Cell Phones

What is the best choice for cell phone coverage in Australia/New Zealand? WE would like to be able to make calls to the U.S, calls in Australia, and send and receive text. Data allowance for email/internet not important. Choices seem to be Global plan from existing carrier (Verizon) or Mobal, an international cell phone provider.


  • Hi Jim
    When are you traveling? I'm on the April 14th Australia only trip.

    I have been trying to figure out the same thing. My carrier is Sprint. My husband called and they told him my Samsung Galaxy S II does not work in Australia. He said it needs a GSA chip to work. Check with your phone carrier.

    I think my husband's phone might work and no I am not buying a new phone when I have a perfectly good smartphone. A new phone means start a new 2 year plan and I might want to switch carriers. For all I know Sprint might have wanted an opportunity to sell a new phone or plan. Also, Samsung is like Apple they introduce a new version yearly. I don't buy into the foolishness.

    My AAA agent told me to go to Costco and get an international phone card. Make sure it has Australia listed on the back. I figure I can make calls from the hotel room using this card. It is $.4 a minute and only cost $20.00. Remember the hotel might add on a cost.

    My son went to Europe in 2012 and purchased a phone at the airport. I think that one is rechargable. The problem again is the continent. Of course if you purchase a phone in the Australia airport you will probably be ok. Cost unknown.
  • When we went on this tour last October from the UK we took our simple basic cell phones (not smart) and as with around the USA, India and New Zealand, once they searched and connected to the local provider base for a few minutes they worked fine without any action on our part for telephone and text. I think the local carrier over there is Telstra, but we certainly had no problems whatsoever and had made absolutely no pre-arrangements.
    The other trick is to buy a local SIM card when you arrive in Oz.
  • edited March 2014
    We are on the March 10th trip and getting excited! This is not exactly the answer to your question, but we researched phone service so that not to get charged an arm and a leg. We installed Viber on our phones and our family did the same. Calls and text messages are free to other users and $.02/minute using Viber out. We also added an international texting plan through our carrier (AT&T) for $10.00/month. We will cancel it when we get home.
  • Hi

    Verizon & ATT work best. Call your cell company & buy a 30day plan. You are not charged with data in you are near a WiFi hot spot.


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