trip insurance

looking to take this trip next year. Need to book soon as this tour does fill up quickly. Did anyone take the trip insurance from Tauck? Thanks fro any input! Love travelling with Tauck!


  • edited March 2014
    I am assuming you have at least two people on this trip and the trip will cost at least $20,000 plus airline tickets. If it is just yours, then it will be a bit (but not much) cheaper. Insurance might be around $500 to $1,000 and will cover you if you can't make the trip. In some situations it will cover your lost airline tickets, extra hotel costs, etc. It also provides some medical insurance which probably isn't covered by your current health care. It also covers lost luggage and other aspects of the trip.

    We had to cancel two trips to Alaska because of deaths in the family. We lost our insurance cost but were reimbursed for our tour/cruise costs, extra hotels, train tickets we were using for additional travel, and flights (even the ones we arranged on our own). Seems to me to that the math is pretty simple, but it is certainly an individual choice.

    Enjoy your trip. Tauck will make it wonderful.
  • It is worth taking the insurance. You never know what can happen and you could be stuck with large expenses. I always take the insurance.
  • edited March 2014
    We have done twelve trips with Tauck and would not think of traveling without getting some sort of insurance. One never knows what may happen to cause a cancellation. We have mainly used the insurance Tauck recommends, but we have also used other companies as well. One year my husband had a serious medical issue ten days prior to departure. Our insurance (didn't have that one through Tauck) reimbursed us completely, and Tauck was wonderful! They put our deposit into an account and we applied it to the same trip when we took it a year later.
    A word of caution, however, to keep in mind that many travel insurance companies will not cover cancellation due to "civil unrest." As many places in the world seem to be erupting in violence, this becomes problematic. This was the case for us last August when our trip to Egypt was cancelled. Tauck was wonderful in getting us on another trip (and picking up our change fees), but we took a bath on the airfare (not through Tauck) as last minute booking (a few months out) and an upgrade due to a longer trip jacked up the cost. The insurance we had for the Egypt trip (not Tauck's insurance) would not have covered our lost airfare because of "civil unrest." I'm not sure if Tauck's recommended company has that clause. You might do a bit of internet research to find an insurer that suits your needs or confirm that Tauck's insurer is the better deal. Either way, going without it would not be wise, in my opinion.
  • On a trip across the border to the US a number of years back my wife had a brain aneurysm burst. The 19 days in a Wisconsin hospital cost over $50000 and all I can say is thank God for insurance. If you leave your country no matter where you go without insurance you are putting yor future in jeopardy. Tauck, s insurance is one of the cheapest around and very comprehensive so take it. Best money you can spend.

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