February 23, 2015

We are first time Tauck travelers and booked the Grand Australia and New Zealand tour. We are from the mountains in Western North Carolina. We look forward to connecting with fellow adventurers.
Best regards,
Ed & Vicki


  • G'day,
    Are there any others out there who are on the February 23, 2015 departure? Would love to connect up with you.
    Ed and Vicki
  • Hi there,
    We are also first time Tauck travellers and going on this tour on the same date as you. We are a married couple from Kent in England and look forward to meeting you.
    We get to Melbourne four days early and are staying on Flinders Road.
    Best regards,
    Lorraine and Martin.
  • Hi Lorraine & Martin,

    Good planning to arrive 4 days early. Sounds like you've done long haul before. ;) And … only because I'm a Melbourne girl you understand … it's Flinders Street and right over the river from the Tauck hotel. (I know, streets can change their names every block in English cities! Boy has that caught me out in the past! :-0 )

    You are in for a great trip. Tauck do a great job. Give a yell here if you need any help.


  • Hi Lorraine and Martin,
    We arrive 20 February and look forward to meeting you. We live in the mountains of North Carolina. Please send an email to us at edjenest@gmail.com so we can connect directly. We have a daughter and husband living in Old Sarum, England and we will be there in May/June.
    Best regards,
    Ed and Vicki

    PS: Thanks to Jan for your frequent postings.

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