Jan 22 2015 Tour

My wife and I will be on this tour. Noticed that there are a number of comments about this tour date in other places in the Forum. So decided to make our own thread.


  • Good idea!! Then we will know where we are.???? looking forward to this trip, had to cancel this year because of surgery. We will going a few days early to adjust to time change. Planning on seeing the fairy penguins on one of those days.
  • Its been 6 months since last post, anyone signed up?
  • I guess it is just the four of us!!!????
  • More room on the tour bus! Seriously, website shows that it is sold out, gather they just don't own a computer!!
    Are all your flights taken care of? Everything is done here.
  • Everything is done on our end. Now we just have to make the final payment!????
  • Plan to arrive in Melbourne a couple of days early. Stopping on the west coast for a few days going, plus Fiji for a few days on the return.
  • Getting there a few days early also. Finishing the trip with a few days in Bora Bora.

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