Black Sea to Budapest September, 2014

Anyone going on the above tour leaving Bucharest on September 19, 2014? It's our first riverboat experience and we can't wait!


  • My Mom and I are scheduled to go on that cruise. We did a Tauck river cruise last year and it was wonderful. We were on the Rhine Moselle River Cruise, so this one will be totally different, but the riverboat and staff were great!
  • I am on the June 27 departure of this trip. Looking for anyone on that trip.

    I was supposed to go last year and was canceled at the last minute due to the Danube flooding. Hope the river behaves this year.

  • Anyone going on the above tour leaving Bucharest on September 19, 2014? It's our first riverboat experience and we can't wait!

    Hi, we are scheduled for this trip too - Really looking forward to it. We are all Canuck boomers too!

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