Four of us coming from Charlotte , NC? Would love to see whose on our trip! We all went on a TAUCK Italy trip last year and traveled with them before! Would love to hear from you'all!!!!!!!! Going in early to Amsterdam!

Kent, Anne, Michelle, and Jim!


  • My spouse and Did Ireland last summer, and will be doing the Canadian Rockies this summer. Amsterdam to Budapest is booked for May, 2015. Any of our Ireland buddies on either of these trips? Steve was our guide.
  • edited June 2014
    Hi Kent, Anne, Michelle & Jim - I do believe my husband and I were on the Classic Italy trip with the 4 of you. We are doing the Amsterdam to Budapest cruise this year but sailing in October, 2014. It would have been great fun to have discovered we were on the same cruise -- as we thoroughly enjoyed having you as travel companions in Italy! We'd love to hear from you! Happy sailing! Beth and Kevin from Orlando
  • Beth and Kevin from Orlando, my husband, Elijah and I are sailing Oct 2014, Amsterdam to Budapest.
    We live in Fort Myers, not to far from you. I am wondering if you suggest any travel books or ideas for preparation, whereas this is our first river cruise. Look forward to meeting you! Cheryl
  • Hi Cheryl -

    Are you on the 10/5 or 10/12 sailing? We are on the MS Treasures departing Amsterdam on the 12th. While I've read many travel guides and watched all the travel videos for the areas we will be visiting, the most helpful thing I've found is a blog describing the Tauck river cruise day by day. I hope this helps you as much as it did us.


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