Laundry facilities

In trying to pack as lightly as possible, I wonder if anyone can give us more detailed info about laundry. The official info says that laundry valet is available. Any idea how much they charge? Will there be any self service laundry facilities on the ship?


  • I did my laundry by hand, so I don't know the answer to your question, but whatever you do, make sure your laundry is dry before boarding the ship. Nothing will dry on the ship -- the air is moist.
  • My wife and I took this tour in Oct 2013. The laundry on the boat is the cheapest you will find on the tour. There are no self service facilities available anywhere you will stay on the tour. As is always true when you use hotel laundry services, it is not cheap. The Tauck Tour Director on our trip reminded us "You are not on vacation, you are on tour". The tour will keep,you pretty busy and we always found plenty to see and do even when we had a free afternoon. Since it is inevitable that you will need to use the laundry, my advice is to worry about more about weight and do as much as you can on the boat. You will have traveled all the way to China so just smile and pay the fee, it is what it is. You are going to have a great time on this tour!

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