Easter Monday in Sydney

It appears that Easter Monday in Australia is a very big deal.
I saw somewhere on the net that they have special Sydney Royal Easter Show that runs six days.


Anyone have opinion on these events including pricing, crowds, and what not to miss or what to avoid?

This is our first full day in Sydney and we are supposed to visit the Opera House and do a cruise luncheon.
From what I understand a lot of attractions and places are closed on Easter Monday.

Does anyone know what will happen with the planned Tauck tour.


  • edited March 2014
    Having done this tour last year but not at Easter, my guess is that "what is in the schedule IS in the schedule", and you would certainly not want to miss the activities billed for this day. The Opera House tour is incredibly interesting, going right back to why/how it was built and looking around the building with information from excellent guides. As for the luncheon cruise, you certainly don't want to miss that either, and in true Tauck form you will not come back hungry!
  • G'day VA2Aussie - Now that I've re-established I'm Australian this may help ease your mind. There are only two days of the year that Australian businesses close, Xmas Day and Good Friday. You will find that everything will be open for business on Easter Monday and as such the Tauck itinerary will not be compromised.

    As for the Royal Easter Show it is the largest agricultural show in Australia and it runs for just short of two weeks. Although not the same it might remind you of a large State Fair. Well over 1 million people will go through the gates during the show but never fear it is not held in the city centre. Sydney is a large city and at times you'll come across crowds similar to those you would find in places like LA or New York and at other times it will appear to be quite peaceful.

    Prices of goods in Sydney will compare favourably with those you're used to back home and given the current state of the Aussie Dollar you'll find that you'll come out in front. You'll find that the area around the Opera House has many attractions and things to see. It is right next door to Circular Quay where you could, if you wish, take a ferry to many interesting parts of Sydney including Taronga Park Zoo or the beach area of Manly. I'm sure there will be so much you could do in the time allocated that you'll not be able to fit in all that appeals to you.

    Hope that helped you in your decision making.


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