Ship's dock in Paris?

Since this is a new tour, it may be only Tauck who can answer this: where is the Sapphire likely to be moored in Paris? It would help in planning our free time to have some idea (realizing that moorings frequently change).



  • Hi Portolan,

    I'm not sure where the ship will be docking exactly, but there will be regular shuttles back to the ship in Paris at 3 PM and 4:30 PM on day 4. You also have some time on Day 3 if you choose to go to Montmartre, around 3 hours worth.

    I hope this helps! I'll try to get an answer on where the ship will be docking.

  • OK, this trip has been run at least once. Can someone precisely state where the ship was docked in Paris. It affects our plans for the unplanned afternoons. Thanks.
  • edited August 2014
    Just back from this great trip, so I can answer my own question for the possible benefit of future travelers on this tour: for our trip, at least, we were docked in Paris at the Port de Javel Bas, which is a mile or so down river from the Eiffel Tower on the Left Bank. Metro (Javel - Andre Citroen) and RER (Javel) within a short walk.

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