Tauck's Grand Australia & New Zealand Tour December 1, 2014

My wife and I have booked Tauck's Grand Australia & New Zealand Tour for December 1, 2014. We are from the Washington, D.C. area and would be interested in corresponding with others going on the tour prior to the travel. We are going 3 days early to rest up from the long flight from Washington, D.C. We are traveling from Washington, DC to Los Angles to Auckland on Air New Zealand to Melbourne.

We are so looking forward to this trip, with so many amazing sites to see. I am particularly interested in the Great Barrier Reef to see the marine life. Last year we took Tauck;s Italian Classic Tour of Italy. It was amazing. Many surprises and special treats we did not expect. So we are looking forward to what some of the special surprises will be.

Bill & Laura


  • Hi Bill and Laura! My husband and I will also be on the 12/01 tour and will be arriving 2 days early! We will be flying AA/Qantas via DFW, LAX to MEL..
    We will meet up with some local friends on SAT but are toying with taking the Great Ocean Road Tour on Sunday.
    We will book that there with the concierge. Maybe we can do that together !??? We have booked the balloon ride. It will be my first. This is our fourth TAUCK tour. We started with S Africa, then China, South America just 2 months ago and we have booked Botswana, Zambia and SA for 04/2015. We look forward to another TAUCK adventure and to meeting you! Angelica and (Roy)

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