June12,2014 spirit of the desert

Hi, my husband Steve and I are on this trip. Would love to meet fellow travelers. Suzan


  • My husband and I are also going on this trip. We're really looking forward to it.

    Pat & Regina from Ohio
  • We are also on this trip and look forward to meeting you

    Lynn & Steve (from Rockville Centre, NY)
  • I'm Cindy from Annapolis, Maryland. I am on the trip too. I would like to learn more about everyone. I wonder if Tauck has a way for us to exchange email addresses without us having to post them on this public blog.
  • I'm Cindy from Annapolis, Maryland. I am on the trip too. I would like to learn more about everyone. I wonder if Tauck has a way for us to exchange email addresses without us having to post them on this public blog.
    Cindy, we also would like to make contact with others. We hope Tauck will reply to you

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