
Just wondering how much cash is recommended? I need to order Yuan!


  • Hi Global Girl,

    While the exact amount of cash is up to you, there are ATM and auto cash exchange machines located throughout the country and host hotels, and they accept most major bank cards. Credit cards are also widely accepted throughout Asia and can be used for major purchases at larger stores. Most hotels will also convert US dollars to local currency.

    It's also a good idea to carry US dollars in small denominations (1s or 5s) for small purchases, as that can make bargaining and paying for local handicrafts much easier.

  • When I went on the trip I called Bank of America about it and they said my ATM card would work. But it didn't. Not in Hong Kong, not on the mainland. So I didn't have enough cash. Fortunately at one of the choose your own lunches, the group I was with let me pay with a credit card while they paid me with cash. If it hadn't been for that, I wouldn't have had enough tip for the tour director. So in the future I will bring more cash. Just in case. You can bring US dollars, as it is easy to exchange them over there.
  • We were in Mainland China and Hong Kong in November and in Hong Kong again in February. Our capital one Visa card worked in the ATMs. No problem. So we could keep our cash for tour director tip. We had a fabulous tour guide. Tod Griswold. Made the trip extra special.
  • edited March 2014
    Ooh, thanks for reminding me, Florida Traveler! I'm sorry to hear what happened in your case, and yes, ATM cards and credit cards don't necessarily work in all locations, which is why it's good to carry cash, even if you've notified your bank already. But it's always essential to notify your bank/credit card company before you travel abroad, otherwise your cards might be declined if you try to use them.

  • Thanks for all the responses. We're Canadian so we'll get both American and Chinese cash - and lots of it!!!
  • You will have a wonderful time. It's an amazing trip!
  • We are traveling on the May 8 China Eastbound tour. My intent is to use ATM's for local currency since the exchange is usually the best. I've done this in Europe and had no problem. The blog has yes you can and no you can't. The question remains can I? My bank is Chase.
  • Hi Sophie0528,

    There are definitely ATMs in China, and I'd advise you to call your bank and discuss it with them, and also to bring some emergency cash, just in case. That way, you should be covered regardless.


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