April 28, 2014 Australia New Zealand-Extra Days Ideas

My husband and I are looking for things to do in both Melbourne and Auckland as we arrive a few days early and have a few extra days at the end in Auckland. We are excited about our first Tauck trip and starting to wrap our minds around what to pack, do, etc. Any ideas gratefully accepted.


  • See my reply to your other posting.
  • Hi Betsygu, we're three people from Florida on your same tour. Arriving and departing same day as tour starts and ends though. Looking forward to meeting you in Melbourne!
  • I am also on the April 26th tour. I am flying to Los Angeles from Miami then onto Melbourne via Qantas Airlines. Are you ll on the same flight?
    I am solo female travelers
  • edited March 2014
    Hi Frankie, we're going from Orlando to Dallas to Brisbane to Melbourne on Qantas (and American to Dallas). We're flying home from Auckland to Sydney to LA though on Qantas, maybe on the same flight as you then?
  • It seems like the same return flight. What time do you get into Melbourne?
  • Hi Frankie, we're going from Orlando to Dallas to Brisbane to Melbourne on Qantas (and American to Dallas). We're flying home from Auckland to Sydney to LA though on Qantas, maybe on the same flight as you then?
    Hi Florida Traveler,

    Oh my goodness! What a roundabout way to get to Melbourne and from Auckland back home! I can't believe the geographically challenged person who designed this didn't take you through Perth, Darwin, Hong Kong and Santiago just to add a little variety! I hope you got these flight for free on points. Why else would anyone actually agree to this gruelling, roundabout route? Heavens above, you do have my sympathy. No wonder so many Americans say they couldn't survive the flight to Australia if this is how they think they have to travel to get here. There are so many civilised and direct ways to make the journey. As I say, hopefully these flights were free. That does tend to focus the mind! :))). Even free, I would have to be hog tied to go this route! Or at least sedated for a week! I hope you've factored in a good few days before the trip starts to recover. When you eventually get home …. then you can collapse in a heap!


  • Hi Frankie, we get into Melbourne around 9:30am the first day of the tour. When do you arrive? Jan, I know it's a grueling flight path but yes, the airfare was free. Just 85k miles each person on American, a good deal really. On my return to the states, I get two weeks back home and then it's back across the Pacific to China for a work trip. I'm not sure how I'll handle that second trip and time change. Will just have to do my best. Really looking forward to the Aus/NZ trip! Can't believe it's almost here. See you soon, Frankie!
  • Yay!!!! Free flights!!! Gotta luv them! I still wish those airline people weren't so geographically challenged, FT. Bet you sleep for most of those 2 weeks back home.

    Back to planning, huh? Back to brushing up on our unique lingo? ;)


  • Florida traveler: I arrive in Melbourne 8:20AM. I am hoping maybe to get to see some nearby local sights after I get settled. I will be so excited will not be able to rest. Can't wait to begin another adventure.
  • Frankie .. I'm a first-time solo female traveler taking this trip in December. I would love to hear about your experiences, after your trip. My email address is dasdays@gmail.com, if you wouldn't mind sharing your thoughts on a less public forum.
  • Frankie, we'll arrive at about the same time. We'll have already been through customs in Brisbane though. So we might not be on the same Tauck transfer shuttle to the hotel. But looking forward to meeting you at the dinner that night! I traveled solo on the Tauck China trip and it was great. On this trip I will be with my parents. Really looking forward to a fabulous adventure.
  • frankie wrote:
    I am also on the April 26th tour. I am flying to Los Angeles from Miami then onto Melbourne via Qantas Airlines. Are you ll on the same flight?
    I am solo female travelers

    We are arriving a few days early but may be the same flight.
  • betsygu wrote:
    My husband and I are looking for things to do in both Melbourne and Auckland as we arrive a few days early and have a few extra days at the end in Auckland. We are excited about our first Tauck trip and starting to wrap our minds around what to pack, do, etc. Any ideas gratefully accepted.

    We are on our way home from this trip(Australia only). We booked a trip to see the Fairy Penguins thro the langham hotel. Do the VIP tour for the day after we arrived. The first day we slept in and then just walked around the city center (very close to the hotel). We also recommend the close by immigration museum. Safe travels. Sherry

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