French Escapade Monte Carlo to Paris northbound Has anyone done this trip?

We are booked to take this trip in October and would like to hear from anyone who has already done this trip. We plan some extra time in Paris afterward. Thanks in advance.


  • We are booked for this trip, going in the opposite direction, Paris to Monte Carlo starting on 25th August and we too would welcome any advice from those who have done this trip no matter what direction you took. I'll open up a "Roll Call" thread as the trip gets closer.

  • I just got back from the April 20th, 2014 Paris & Provence tour. I spent four days in Paris, before heading down to Nice. Everywhere I visited was very crowded, and likely gets more crowded as the summer goes on. The weather was still cool, with a few days of rain. The tour director and other guests were excellent and great to spend time with. Overall I liked the trip very much and really enjoyed the scenery.

    While staying in St Remy, make sure to accompany the tour guide on the day-trip to Arles. You will have to opportunity to walk across the Pont Du Gard. The Van Gogh spots are fascinating, and not much has changed since his time there. Later that evening you will visit a fascinating family olive grove and the delightful restaurant owned by the family.

    The food was amazing everywhere we ate, and we usually took the tour guide's recommendation for lunch spots. In Paris, I visited the Moulin Rouge for dinner and the show. It was amazing and well worth the price. Besides the typical sightseeing, I also did a day-trip out to the beaches of Normandy.

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