Train from Provence to Paris

What time does the train arrive in Paris on Day 5 of trip? We are trying to plan a dinnner that evening (even though there is a dinner with the Tauck tour). We want to have dinner at the Eiffel Tower - there is a 6:30 seating and a 9 pm seating. Would we be able to make the 6:30 seating? (this would be on Thursday July 10 2014)


  • I was told that the train arrives at the station around 5:00, so between transport to the hotel; hotel check-in and changing, I doubt you could be anywhere by 6:30.
  • Hi ConnieCT,

    Barb and Grace are right about the schedule; that is exactly what I was going to say. The only other thing that I would advise is that, if possible, you schedule your dinner for the 6th night of the trip instead of the 5th. That way, you'd be able to do the included dinner on the 5th, and dinner is not included on the 6th night, so you won't be missing anything.

    I hope this helps!


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