London & Paris May 4 - 11

Hello everyone -

My family is taking the London & Paris tour in May and we have our extra day at the end of the trip in Paris. We intend to take the last day and make a trip to Normandy. Wanted to know if anyone has gone before and what tour service you would recommend. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • Last year after doing the Brussels to Amsterdam river cruise, my friend and I flew to Paris so that I could go to Normandy. We used a company called Paris City Vision. They had four tours to Normandy. We chose the one that included hotel pick up and drop off since the tour ran from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The tour included lunch at the Caen Peace Museum, Pointe du Hoc, Omaha, Gold and Juno beaches and the American Cemetery. The guide said that we could take sand at Omaha so you might want to bring a baggie if you might want to do that. On the return trip, we stopped at a place on the highway to get something for dinner. This was on our own and not included. It was a long day but very impressive.

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