Best of Hawaii July 2014

My husband and I are taking the July 10, 2014 Hawaii trip. We are in our 50s from Long Island NY. My husband is going to try to squeeze in some fishing, and I love snorkeling. We are staying a few extra days on the big island at the end of the tour. I have traveled with Tauck two times already, and one of the best things about Tauck is the great people you meet in your group. We are really looking forward to hawaii, have never been there before. Is anyone traveling with us, or have any advice for fishing or snorkeling? Thanks!
Mary & John


  • This has nothing to do with snorkling or fishing, but I suggest you look into a "day" tour to watch the sunset at the top of Mauna Kea. The tour left late in the afternoon. I added this when I did the Hawaii tour a few years ago. It was unbelievable being above the clouds. We also did our own star gazing that night.
  • I am going on the Best of Hawaii May 16th. From the East Coast so am going a day early. I am a solo traveler. Anyone else out there on this tour. I have done two other Tauck tours as a solo traveler and loved them. Looking forward to crossing this off my bucket list.
  • thanks Kathy, I will definitely look into that

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