May 15....Eastbound

We are arriving Beijing May 14th. Interested in the Shanghai Jewish Tour. Anyone organizing this?


  • Hi, yes my wife and I are arriving on the 14th early also. Would like to meet for drink and /or dinner. We are from NYC but coming in from LA after seeing one of our kids. I have spoken to the tour director for the Jewish tour and so far we have 6. I was waiting to get there to finalize it for the afternoon of the 27th.
    Larry and Barbara
  • Great. We fly in from LA also (live between LA and San Diego), but arriving late afternoon/early evening on the 14th. Let's meet sometime during the day on the 15th.
    Sally and Al
  • see you then. you can always try the front desk when you arrive to call us.
  • Sure.....last name?
  • Rosenzweig and yours? Who is traveling in your party.
  • Sally and Al Phillips
  • And, while we aren't arriving early, we are Judy & Scott Loomer from Reston, VA.

    So far, this thread accounts for 25% of the group since it is supposed to be capped at 24.

    See/meet you all in a couple of weeks!

  • sally and al,
    looking forward in meeting you on the 14th.
    larry and barbara
  • Probably will connect with you in the AM of the 15th, as we will be arriving at hotel early evening on the 14th. Looking forward to meeting you also.

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