Eiffel Tower

We are booked on the Castles and Kings Tour on June 15. Does anyone know FOR SURE whether Eiffel Tower Tour is included. We are taking our 18 year old granddaughter for graduation and this would be highlight of trip for her.


  • If you call Tauck, they will tell you if an Eiffel Tower tour is included. I have call about other tours when I wanted to know something specific.
  • We went on the Castles and Kings trip last year. The Eiffel Tower was included. You will get priority boarding so you get to avoid the long lines. They give you a certain amount of time to go up and see the view. You will love the C and K trip it was awesome!
  • edited April 2014
    Just one other thing. On the free night we booked dinner at le tour 58 eiffel the restaurant in the tower. We booked the 9:00 seating premier menu with the trocadero view. A bit expensive but a one time experience you won't forget. Go at 9:00 and you get an amazing view of the city and see the tower light up as the sun goes down. Book it directly on the eiffel tower official website not through secondary sites or they will try to throw other things in. It was amazing!
  • Hi dianedpierce,

    Yes, a visit to the Eiffel Tower is included on Day 5, as part of the Paris sightseeing tour.
    Also, I'd just like to second mattD's comment about that restaurant in the tower; I had the good fortune to eat there when I was on Castles and Kings myself, quite a few years ago. The view is truly incredible. I can't speak to the prices personally, as I believe the restaurant I was at had a different name (it must have changed hands or something) but the view is quite an experience.


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