We are booked to go on this trip, our friends are dropping out because of the trouble in the ukraine. Anyone with insights to the trip and about going to Russia now.


  • There are no alerts posted either on the Tauck site or from the government as of today. I have a tour booked to this area so I have been checking. I know that if there is a conern, Tauck will be monitoring the situation and adjusting if needed.
  • Hello meeku,

    Kathy18 is absolutely right, if there is a travel alert in areas where we travel we will definitely let our guests know. As always, the safety and security of our guests, and employees is our utmost priority.

  • meeku wrote:
    We are booked to go on this trip, our friends are dropping out because of the trouble in the ukraine. Anyone with insights to the trip and about going to Russia now.

    We are also going June 25th. will be arriving in Vilnius a day early. any idea how many will be on this trip?
  • Hi 58hen etc,
    We are also booked on this trip & arrive a day early since the flight from Frankfurt to Vilnus arrives at 11:25pm.
    Is that the same flight you are on?
    Do you have plans, or ideas what to do... when we finally wake up on the 24th?

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