Day 11 Paris Bus Tour....what are arrondismonts/highlights visited on tour??

On Day 11, the itinerary states the morning will be a bus tour.....Can anyone please tell me what arrondismonts/highlights will be covered?

Also, what time does the tour get done?

Thanks in advance for any assistance!!!!


  • Hello Nikko4me,

    Day 11 starts off with a coach tour of Paris for a guided orientation of the city. After the orientation, you will have free time to explore Paris on your own.

    Hope this helps,
  • edited May 2014

    Like Niiko4me I was wondering EXACT which places, sites, attractions, etc. that the bus tour of Paris would cover. We've been previously to Paris with Tauck and have done the bus tour previously. If the bus tour of Paris is identical to what we've seen before we may opt to go see other sites. Any listing of what will be seen available? Do we need to wait and ask our tour guide?

    Thank you.
  • We too are going on this tour in mid-Sept. Hopefully someone going earlier will let us know what EXACTLY is covered in the "complimentary" Versailles pass provided at the hotel. Is it good for 2 days (arriving day vefore tour)? Also, in Paris, EXACTLY what is covered in 1/2 day sight-seeing bus tour?. How long does it last?, Can you be dropped off at a spot at the end? Someone asked about entries to museums & attractions. All the websites recommend buying passes ahead of time, but we don't know what we will need passes for (in other words, what will Tauck provide, and what do we need to provide for ourselves? Thank you.
  • Hi Everyone,

    Just got this from the Manager of this tour:

    The city sightseeing includes views of the following : the Latin Quarter, La Sorbonne, Pantheon, Palais du Luxembourg, Cathedral Notre Dame, L’hotel de Ville, La Conciergerie, La Sainte Chapelle, the Louvre, Orsay, Place Vendome, Opera Garnier, Eglise de la Madeleine, Concorde Square, Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe, Trocadero, Invalides and Ecole Militaire.

    Hope this helps,
  • Peg B wrote:
    We too are going on this tour in mid-Sept. Hopefully someone going earlier will let us know what EXACTLY is covered in the "complimentary" Versailles pass provided at the hotel. Is it good for 2 days (arriving day vefore tour)? Also, in Paris, EXACTLY what is covered in 1/2 day sight-seeing bus tour?. How long does it last?, Can you be dropped off at a spot at the end? Someone asked about entries to museums & attractions. All the websites recommend buying passes ahead of time, but we don't know what we will need passes for (in other words, what will Tauck provide, and what do we need to provide for ourselves? Thank you.[/quote

    Peg, are you on the tour that arrives in Versailles on Sept 19? My hubby and I will be on that one. We are arriving one day early in Versailles and staying one day later in Paris. From what I understand, the half day tour is a "drive by" tour that ends around noon. You need to go back later in the day to see stuff and get your own tickets. That's why we are staying an extra day. The Louve is closed one of the 2 days that we are in Paris.
    I plan to do a lot of research on the internet to see about tickets for things. And also contact the concierge at the hotel where we will be staying.

    If you are on the same trip with us, John and I would love to get in contact with you and make some plans to meet each other before the tour begins.

    Nancy Goble
  • Nancy Goble, we are on the tour that starts Sept. 14; we'll be just in front of you. It's coming up soon. Have fun!

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