Grand Alaska Tour starting June 28th

We are looking forward to our trip! It will be my first time in Alaska (my husbands' 4th) and our first time with Tauck. Reading the forum for the June 7th departure I see many asking the same questions I have. I will be even more excited when we get our travel documents. Anyone else traveling on this tour?


  • Hi There!

    We are excited about this trip! We are a family of four who loves to travel, but we have never been to Alaska. We chose this destination at the request of our 18-year-old daughter who is graduating high school less than 10 days before we depart! Our 15-year-old son (currently a sophomore) is looking forward to the trip as well. We've been on one other Tauck Tour to New York City, and it was a blast. I know everyone will have a great time!
  • Hello to my fellow travelers on the June 28th grand Alaska tour....

    I will be traveling with my 17 year old niece. Although we both have traveled with Tauck before, this will be our first time in Alaska. We are really excited about this trip and we are looking forward to seeing the natural beauty in the state.
  • We are also on the June 28th Grand Alaska tour. It will be our first trip to Alaska and our first tour with Tauck. Looking forward to a fabulous trip and meeting new friends. We are from Texas. Where is everyone else coming from?

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