Budapest to Anstedam 9/21/14

We are spending a day in Budapest before boarding. Is the Tauck tour of Budapest a just drive around tour, or do you get out and visit the sites listed. All the other city descriptions mention " walking tour", so it is unclear how up close and personal you get with the sites. We do not want to waste time a day before by duplicating the sites we will with the tour.


  • We will be spending an extra day in Budapest before beginning our cruise to Amsterdam on August 17. I have found that Budapest offers a Hop On Hop Off Bus around the towns with two land routes and one by boat. The places they pass are on the website I will be checking the places they pass against the places we will be visiting after embarking. That way we will see extra sites and find some good food as well. We did this sort of tour in Barcelona and really enjoyed it. Check it out and have a great trip!

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