Luggage storing for Grand Alaska Tour

Hi! A friend of mine went on basically the same trip only just through Princess. She said she packed one extra suitcase JUST for her Cruise part of the trip, and it was stored for her while she was on the land part of the tour. It was waiting for her when she boarded the ship. Is this something my husband and I can do as well??
Thanks.... Sandy


  • I did this tour a few years ago. Your luggage travels with you the whole time. Tauck will see that your luggage gets to your cabin before you do. I know that when you do a Princess cruise, you are required to have a separate suitcase for the ship. This was not done on the Tauck tour. Even if you pack a separate suitcase, it will be delivered to your room every evening on the land portion.

    We also had open seating for dinner. For any meal, you did not have to dress formally. A nice pair of slacks and blouse were acceptable in any of the restaurants.

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