Looking for others going day early to Vilnius (8/26/14) (Tour starts 8/27)

Hi, Is anyone going early for the tour starting 8/27/14. Would love to hook-up for some touring on 8/27 and possibly dinner on 8/26. Also looking for ideas of things to do that we are not doing with Tauck.

Bob & Shirley, West Barnstable, MA


  • Hi Bob and Shirley!! How fun it is to see your names pop up on this forum! It's your Ky friends! Sounds like the two of you are in for an exciting trip. How many Tauck excursions will this make? I think we met on Tauck trip called Nice to Paris or perhaps it was called Provence to Paris---I'll have to check. They've rearranged those tours of course. I remember that we went west to Carcassonne (wow!) and Bordeaux enroute to Paris. Was a great trip, wasn't it? We enjoyed visiting with you on the Cape few years ago too!
    Have a wonderful time! We'll be in touch later to hear about your trip. We're off to Scandinavia with Tauck in a few weeks and very excited. Faye

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