dress for dinner?

Am excited on going on our first riverboat cruise Budapest to Amsterdam 5/25/14. Would like to know
what the dresswear is for dinner each evening; also what is the time of day for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Looking forward to meeting everyone.
Laney 7


  • That is always the question. I mostly dress for nice restaurant. Nice shirt with nice slacks for women. And no jacket not required for men unless they like wearing them. The 1st night and last night is just a little bit dressed up if you want. And I believe this might include the place in Vienna, if so some dressed up some just nice clothes. You just don't want to pack anything you wear only once on trip. I wore a nice black dress and wore the dress on the last night too. Some of the men had a shirt and tie but not jacket.
  • Hi Laney7,

    We actually spoke about this on the phone earlier today, but for the benefit of anyone else who might read, breakfast on this trip is normally served from 6 AM to 9 AM, lunch from 12 PM to 2 PM, and dinner from 6 PM to 9 PM, although it does vary from day to day based on the daily schedule.

    As far as packing goes, we suggest that you select a wardrobe that is adaptable and allows for layering; casual comfortable clothing is suggested for most occasions. For the Welcome Dinner and Farewell Dinner, you may enjoy dressing up a bit. Also, please note that our Imperial Evening in Vienna is a slightly more formal occasion and a sport coat for gentleman is required. We also recommend that you pack your prescription medicines (an adequate supply to last through your journey) along with your travel documents and a change of clothing in your carry-on luggage to avoid any inconvenience, in the event that your flight is delayed or the airline loses your luggage. It can be windy on the sun deck even in good weather, but you should also be prepared for warm weather.

    I hope this helps!

  • TauckTim wrote:
    Hi Laney7,

    As far as packing goes, we suggest that you select a wardrobe that is adaptable and allows for layering; casual comfortable clothing is suggested for most occasions. For the Welcome Dinner and Farewell Dinner, you may enjoy dressing up a bit. Also, please note that our Imperial Evening in Vienna is a slightly more formal occasion and a sport coat for gentleman is required.

    I hope this helps!


    Gee I'm glad that a coat wasn't required for the dinner at the Palace when we cruised in September 2011 otherwise we'd have missed a great night out.

  • Most royal types are usually terribly diplomatic, Rod! And I guess Austrian ones have very good reasons for being so these days, particularly when they open their home and dining room to paying tourists. Oh, the indignity of it all. Needs must, I guess. On my visit they were handing out jackets to gentlemen at the cloak room. I'm glad you breached the barricades, anyway! ;))))



    PS: I know. You are from Queensland. You don't need to own such a garment. You are taking a stand. Yes, yes, I did hear that. ;)))
  • ^^^

    Well said Jan.

  • How about during the day?
  • Dress for comfort (and style … if you are up for it) during the day. Comfortable shoes that will cushion your feet on those European cobblestones might save your life. Clothes you can layer are a good basis for a wardrobe. I don't recall too many cultural or religious sites that would require "demure" clothes. Europeans are more conservative than some foreign tourists I've seen there. If you don't want to label yourself as a "tourist target", you might consider not packing the short shorts! ;))


  • Jan, I am not on this trip, but please don't tell the women to leave the short-shorts at home. That just makes for additional sites on the trip.
  • Bless your dear sweet heart, ndvb. I am totally mystified. To what can you possibly be referring?

    Signed …. confused, Melbourne.
  • edited December 2014
    The most important thing is choose dresses based on your comfort .Otherwise , I would like to recommend to wear a Tank dress or a gown with beautiful accessories for dinner .You can check out some collection of Betty Browne which I have recently gone through .
  • Nice post.

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