Climbing Macchu Picchu

I just haad a knee replacement in Jan. and we are booked for this tour in Oct. I am concerned about the walking involved especially with Macchu Picchu. We are leaving for the Japan trip next week and my only concern with that is the long flight from New York. Any thoughts on the Peru trip? I am 61 years old-will be 62 by Oct. We have done many trips with Tauck and have always found them to be well paced and not too demanding-not sure about this one though Any thoughts or comments?


  • I don't know your rehab regimen, or your pain tolerance, but I have had both knees replaced and within 3-4 months, I was moving much better than before the surgery and with less pain. I had very little pain after surgery and worked hard in rehab in order to make sure things were better than before surgery. I think I could have been on any of trips I have been on in the last few years within 6 months or less. I was 59 when both of mine were replaced (one at a time). After the first one, I couldn't wait for the second one. I don't know if I just had an unbelievable surgeon (actually, I do know my surgeon and his team were fantastic). The surgeon reminded me that he was just the "parts mechanic" and it was up to me to make it work. He overly minimized his role in the process, but he inspired me to work hard in the gym. I worked hard on rehab starting the afternoon of surgery day.

    My point is, it is only 4-5 months since your surgery and you won't be leaving on the next trip for another 5 months. You've got plenty of time to get ready for your trip. Honestly, it was the best thing I have done in a long time and I sometimes wonder why I waited.

    Good luck on your trip. Hopefully, the new knee will make it much better for you. Keep working hard in the gym.

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