Scandinavia June 20 trip

My husband and I are going on the June 20, 2014 tour. I see the trip is totally booked. I enjoy reading the travel forum comments from folks who went last year. Great information. After freezing in NJ this winter, I may take a light winter coat, or I guess many layers. Anyone else going June 20? I have traveled often with Tauck and love it.


  • We are on the June 20 Scandinavia Tour. This is our first Tauck Tour. We are from California and are going to Stockholm 2 days early. Since we used frequent flyer miles for our trip, we could not get flights to arrive on the day of the trip. We're looking forward to meeting the group on June 20. We'll be staying at the same hotel as our tour.

    Eric & Joyce Goldman
  • Hi Eric and Joyce. So glad to hear from you. We will be there one day early at the same hotel. I hope you enjoy your first Tauck tour. We have been on many of their tours. The best is their hotels are always located with easy access to the sights. Usually walking distance. I have been looking at the map of Stockholm. Getting some ideas as to what to do with the free time. Reading what the past travelers have said, it seems a canal ride is a must. Looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks. Barbara
  • My husband and I will be on the June 22 tour and are so excited. We live in south Mississippi and the days are above 90 already so the cooler weather sounds great. We do not arrive until Sunday afternoon. Anyone else on this tour? This is our sixth Tauck tour and all have been great. Looking forward to meeting every one. Gloria and John Green

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