Chinese National Holiday, Oct.1-7

We have tentatively booked this trip starting Oct. 1, 2015, Eastbound, but have just learned of this holiday. Has anyone taken this tour during this week-long holiday period? Did the increased crowds detract from the trip?


  • We went last year during National Holiday. There were lots of people, but the superb guides took care of things very nicely. There were a few schedule changes, but we did everything that was planned.
  • edited June 2014
    We were in Beijing for 2-3 days during the National Holiday (2013) and everything went very smoothly. In fact, I think we got a better "taste" of Beijing and the 1.4 billion population of China by being there during this time period. Yes, several sites we visited were a bit more crowded than normal but we still did everything on the plan. We were stopped by what we assumed were rural Chinese who wanted to take pictures with us and one or more of their family members. We were told that some rural Chinese had never seen Occidentals and found us and our noses to be a great curiosity. Our weather was great and we even got some sunny days in Beijing.

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