Treasures of the Aegean Southbound May 21 2014

We are booked on this tour and will arrive in Istanbul a couple of days early.
I know the tour visits the Topkapi Palace - but hear of people spending a whole day there. We are after suggestions of sections of the palace to visit separately so as not to repeat too much.
Any other specific recommendations (we have begun making a priority list from guide books)
Peter &Ros


  • edited May 2014
    We arrived a few days early and toured the Dolmache Palace which was very interesting. On the second day we took a local ferry (which was so interesting) and traveled to Buyukada, one of the Princes" Islands about 12 miles away from Istanbul in the Marmara Sea. We then took a phaeton ride (hores drawn carriage) ride around the island! It was so much fun and the scenery was beautiful. We passed on a walk up the hill to St. George's Monastery as the wind was pretty strong and it got quite chilly. The trip was a wonderful experience and we met so many friendly and welcoming people.
  • edited May 2014
    PeterOtzen wrote:
    I know the tour visits the Topkapi Palace - but hear of people spending a whole day there. We are after suggestions of sections of the palace to visit separately so as not to repeat too much.
    Peter &Ros
    When you go to the Topkapi Palace make sure you allow some extra time for the room with the jewels. You will never see sparklers, particularly emeralds, like that again. Who knew emeralds could be the size of a house brick. Extraordinary! You need the extra time to get your jaw back to be where it should be.



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