Frankfurt and Berlin

We are coming in one day early to Frankfurt and will be staying an extra day in Berlin. Any suggestions for our free time for things that are not included on the tour?


  • I can't speak about Frankfurt but Berlin has some great museums. That might be the way to spend your day if you like museums. I'm sure your tour director will give you a list.
  • I too cannot speak for Frankfurt, but there are so many landmarks to see in Berlin not covered by the tour. Museum Island has no less than five museums in one place with some amazing artifacts. If you are staying at the Berlin Intercontinental Hotel, the Berlin Aquarium and Zoo are right behind it. The nice thing is the subway system in larger cities is extensive and you can get all-day passes to ride them.
  • Hi, Loves Golf -- When are you going on the tour? We are on Sept 13 and also comic in a day early to Frankfurt.
    Are you going to Pinehurst next week?? Maryanne
  • Mazalea, just saw your message now. I am not the golfer, my husband is, but no we did not go to Pinehurst. We are on the July 26th Romantic Germany tour. Starting to think about what we will be packing. I am still trying to figure out whether to go to the Mercedes Benz museum or do the cooking lesson on day 4 of this trip. Would love some feedback from anyone who has done this tour in the past.
  • I am doing Berlin after my rivercruise and this is a website where you can find info as to what to do in Berlin.

    Visit Berlin
  • Taking the bus is a cheapest option, It usually takes 8 hrs travel from Frankfurt to Berlin.

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