Paris - A Day Earlier

We are planning on arriving in Paris one day early to protect against any airline delays or other issues. If everything goes as planned we will have a whole day to explore the outer areas of Paris so to avoid what our tours will included. Any good ideas? This will be our first trip to France, but have been to other places in Europe. Can't wait. Our trip starts on July 8th - we are taking the French Escapade: Paris to Monte-Carlo - Southbound. Thanks


  • edited May 2014
    A few suggestions:

    Giverny, Versailles, Chateau de Malmaison for Josephine's rose garden …. or you could just walk and walk the streets of Paris. Stop for a cool drink. Watch some people. Dream a little dream or two.


  • edited May 2014
    We did this trip 2 years ago and spent 4 extra days in Paris. We purchased advance tickets online to go up into the Eiffel Tower as the tour only took us to photo stops of it or in passing on the river. We spent an entire day at Versailles. Two would have been better. We took a tour of the private apts which gave access to the main palaces a d grounds. Then we did Marie Antoinettes Hamlet. The private apts tour was a purchase we made beforehand online at their website. Don't know how the trip has changed. Beautiful trip, enjoy!
    The hop on hop off busses are a great way to see the city too.
  • Is it a good idea to purchase advanced tickets for Notre Dame, Arc de Triomphe etc. Would like to go to the top of one of these two to get the great Paris view without waiting at the Eiffel Tower. Thanks

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