July 16th Trip


We are a couple of grandparents from California making this trip with our 10 year old grandson, Gavin. We are wondering what people have planned for their free time in Anchorage between the flight seeing trip and heading for Kenai. Hope to hear from anyone joining us for this trip.


  • We are also traveling with our grandson -- Joey, age 11 -- from GA and AL. We're arriving a day early and have just begun to look for ways to spend that first day. Have you made any decisions?
  • Glad to hear you'll be there. We're planning to spend the day of the 16th at the Alaska Museum and hoping to visit the Alaska Native Heritage site the afternoon "at leisure" in Anchorage if the director thinks it's feasible. Have you decided yet? Gavin loves to fish so we are going to do some fishing in Kenai. Looking forward to meeting you.
  • We took a Princess tour very similar to the Inside Passage tour several years ago. My husband wanted to take one of the optional fishing tours. It was already full when we got there, so I'd suggest that your grandson try to book his fishing trip before you ever leave home. You can probably do that through the concierge at your hotel.

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