Budapest to the Black Sea August 1, 2014

I am booked on the August 1, 2014 cruise from Budapest to the Black Sea. I plan to be in Budapest a night earlier. Is there any advice on what to do and see in Budapest, and anything good to know about the trip?.


  • Try to visit the Dohany Synagogue, also known as the Great Synagogue. It's Europe's largest synagogue. It's perfectly beautiful and well worth visiting even if you're not Jewish. There is a Tree of Remembrance behind it, which is a weeping willow with metal leaves. It was largely financed by Tony Curtis in memory of the 600,000 Jews killed during the Holocaust. Also, you might try to visit the Opera House, which is gorgeous. Ask your Tour Director where the State Herend Porcelain Store is and visit it, even if you're not interested in purchasing any of the exquisite, but very expensive, porcelain. It's well worth visiting even if looking is all you do! There is also a well known, but a little overpriced, pastry store in the central city. I think its name is Gerbeaud. It's all right to splurge a little on the delectable looking pastries! For other suggestions, you might look at places Tauck visits on some of their other eastern European tours that go to Budapest. The tour we took, and loved, was the Warsaw, Budapest, Venice, and Prague tour, one of the best tours we've ever taken, whether with Tauck or anyone else.

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