Is Bangkok safe right now ???

I am looking at this trip but am concerned about the government issues. Looks really unsettled on the news. Have seen alerts that stated not to travel there :(( Very violent times !


  • This is a subject you would need to address through your respective Government agency. In Australia our Government has advised travelers to Thailand to "Exercise a high degree of caution"

    I love the region and it's people but I would not travel to Bangkok at this time.
  • The thing you have to watch in travel advisories is how they might affect your travel insurance.
    This is the page for the US. Department of States's page on Thailand:
    It was lasted updated on 28th May and says, in part:
    The U.S. Department of State recommends that U.S. citizens reconsider any non-essential travel to Thailand, particularly Bangkok, due to ongoing political and social unrest and restrictions on internal movements, including an indefinite nighttime curfew throughout Thailand. The Department of State has advised official U.S. government travelers to defer all non-essential travel to Thailand until further notice. This Travel Alert supersedes the Travel Alert issued on May 23, 2014, and will expire on August 21, 2014.

    As always, Tauck will be in touch with you directly if your travel is involved. If you are merely making a general inquiry about travel to Bangkok, as Rod says above … lovely place, but maybe pick another time?


  • Thank you for your comments. I was ready to ride that elephant :)) I will delay my trip to that area until things settle down a bit. So many other choices to choose from !
  • Not to make light of the current situations, but military coups are more common than not in Thailand. Officially a Kingdom, the populace generally speaking, have a higher regard for a much loved and respected King than any elected person. Even the military junta gives fealty, almost, to the King. Thailand truly is an exotic and wondrous place.

    And yes, so many other places to fill the present gap!



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