Stow luggage for second part of trip

My husband and I will each have one bag. Wondering if we can pack one of our bags for land and the other for cruise...and leave the cruise bag somewhere until we board....l


  • Hi Ginnijay,
    That sounds like such a good idea, I think my husband and I will go the same. I would guess the bags would have to go with us throughout the tour, but that doesn't seem to be a big deal.
    We are on the June 28th departure - when do you go?
    Marcy & Joe R
  • Please post an update on how your luggage idea worked out when you get back
  • I did this tour a few years ago. There is no place to store your luggage for a later pickup as I understand is done when you are doing the land portion arranged by a cruise line. Once you meet Tauck at the airport, they transport your luggage and you do not handle it until you return to the airport except in your room at night. If you do pack a second piece, they will just bring it to your room at each hotel. If you do not open it, you would just leave it unopened and when you move to the next location, they will pick it up in your room and take it back to the bus.

    I hope that this makes sense. Basically someone transfers your luggage from the bus to your room and back every time that you change locations. The only thing that you need to carry is whatever small carry on that you have.

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