Europe's Crown Jewel

I am going on the mid-August excursion, is it really as rainy as is described? Also, how much hiking/walking is done?


  • Hi KK920,

    This is a fairly active trip through the mountains of Switzerland, and it requires that you be in good health and able to walk reasonable distances over uneven terrain, as some of the most memorable sightseeing can only be accomplished on foot. Switzerland is home to innumerable historic buildings and sites, which are many centuries old. Therefore, roads, walkways and architecture will present difficulties for people with physical limitations. You'll encounter cobblestone streets, narrow passageways, and some steep and winding staircases. For the most part, however, the amount of walking you do at the various sites and towns is at your own discretion.

    As far as weather goes, it'd be a good idea to bring a raincoat, and possibly rain hat, and if you have the room a tightly collapsible umbrella in your bag.

    I hope this helps!


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