Considering this trip in 2015

We are considering taking this tour in2015. I hope those of you who have taken or will be taking the trip soon will give some feedback....what you liked/loved or didn' thoughts about your experiences. We are also considering one of the river cruises. I'm hoping feedback from other travelers will help us make the decision.


  • Would highly recommend this trip. Did it two years ago and loved it. Hard to narrow it down to one thing that we loved though. If you have specific questions, I would be happy to answer them.
  • I did this tour in May. It was unbelievable. I would agree with lovesgolf1 that it would be difficult to pick just one thing that I loved. If I had to single out one thing, I would have to say that I was fascinated with the history of St. Petersburg. Part of this is that I had read the recommended book, Sunlight at Midnight which described how St. Petersburg was built and grew. There is quite a bit of walking. The palaces were so large that it seemed as if one was walking miles to go through them.

    I have also done the riverboat from Brussels to Amsterdam and loved that so much that I am planning another cruise. It would be hard to choose one over the other since they are different experiences.

    I would also be willing to answer questions if you have them.
  • wundernkc wrote:
    We are considering taking this tour in2015. I hope those of you who have taken or will be taking the trip soon will give some feedback....what you liked/loved or didn' thoughts about your experiences. We are also considering one of the river cruises. I'm hoping feedback from other travelers will help us make the decision.

    My husband and I just got back from the Russian Glories, Baltic Treasurers and we loved it. Our tour director was Ann Marie Brojack and she was fabulous. We started on May 28th in Lithuania and it was a little chilly but the trip got warmer as we went. Loved the four nights in St. Petersburg. We did a lot of reading up before going which helped quite a bit. Loved going to the Hermitage museum with no crowds. And Tauck did many little special things that we just loved. I would recommend this trip.

    We also did a river boat cruise from Prague (starting in Regensburg) to Budapest; and then another one from Amsterdam to Basel, Switzerland. Loved both of them but of the two our favorite was Prague to Budapest on the Danube. We are waitlisted for the river boat from Budapest to Bucharest. Hope this helps.
  • Hi all,

    I'm glad to hear you all had such a fantastic time on your trip! Wundernkc, if you have any questions, please let me know, and I'll be happy to help answer them!
  • wundernkc wrote:
    We are considering taking this tour in2015. I hope those of you who have taken or will be taking the trip soon will give some feedback....what you liked/loved or didn' thoughts about your experiences. We are also considering one of the river cruises. I'm hoping feedback from other travelers will help us make the decision.

    We are also considering this trip. Wondering about the food on the ship ?
  • wundernkc wrote:
    We are considering taking this tour in2015. I hope those of you who have taken or will be taking the trip soon will give some feedback....what you liked/loved or didn' thoughts about your experiences. We are also considering one of the river cruises. I'm hoping feedback from other travelers will help us make the decision.

    We went on this trip a few years ago and loved it. The opulence of St. Petersburg illustrates why the peasants revolted, but the city is absolutely gorgeous. Gold, crystal and marble everywhre!

    The Baltic States were very interesting especially on the local tours where the citizens are really proud of their relatively new-found freedoms and the right to express their individual nationalities. Walk around the town squares to get a sense of what used to be. Vilnius has a zillion churches, all religions represented and a few remaining synagogues from what was once the largest Jewish community in the world during the middle ages/renaissance. You are sure to learn alot.

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