Considering this trip in 2015

We are considering taking this tour in2015. I hope those of you who have taken or will be taking the trip soon will give some feedback....what you liked/loved or didn' thoughts about your experiences. We are also considering the Baltics to St Petersburg cruise. I'm hoping feedback from other travelers will help us make the decision.


  • This trip was wonderful. I got back a week ago and really enjoyed the trip. We saw some amazing cities and had wonderful guides in all of them. The weather in Amsterdam was HOT (hottest day of the year, and humid). Tauck does everything FIRST class. The night in Vienna was amazing. Do not hesitate to take this cruise. The cruise director was the best.
  • We took the last cruise of the season, Oct. 26th, 2014, and I'm so happy we did. Plus, our sailing had only 77 passengers. I prefer cooler weather and every day was perfect. In fact, we had one day of rain but we were indoors and were never bothered by it. Plus it didn't last long anyway.

    Everything about this cruise was perfect, from the accommodations, to food, to staff, to the directors and all the passengers.
    We're so spoiled by Tauck, they manage everything for you. There is plenty of room under the bed to store luggage, the bathroom was roomier than expected (we were on the Treasures) and I thought I'd be disappointed in the French balcony was we weren't at all, it's perfect. Great views too.

    Layered clothing, good walking shoes because there is a lot of walking, smart casual for the evening in Vienna (some men wore jackets, some did not),
    some free time in most places was great, choosing wines for dinner wonderful, "cocktail hour" prior to dinner talking about the day's adventures with fellow guests, WONDERFUL foods, I just can't say enough. We're looking at the Alps and Dolomites for next year. But I'd do another Tauck river cruise in a heartbeat!
  • I took this trip beginning October 12, 2014 and finalized on October 26, 2014. It was simply amazing. Our Tour Directors and the whole crew ship personnel were so very nice and accommodating. I definitely recommend this trip. One make sure you wear some very comfortable shoes as you will be walking a lot of inclines on cobblestones streets. I made that one mistake! LOL. The night in Vienna at the Palace dinner was an experience that I will never forget, and I loved Budapest. This was my first Tauck trip, but certainly not my last. I am now booked on the Monte Carlo to Paris trip next October, and will also do their small ship sailing from Australia to Tanzmania to New Zealand in the future. I also hear great things about the Basel Northbound trip to Amsterdam, so you may keep that in mind as well. You will not be disappointed by choosing Tauck! They are the best.
  • Can someone who has taken this trip enlighten me, perhaps? After you board in Amsterdam, you overnight there, and then get taken off on a tour of Amsterdam, including the Rijksmuseum, and a canal boat tour. Then they bus you to somewhere near Arnhem to re-join the boat.

    Was the Rijksmuseum trip long enough, or was it rushed, and was the bus ride just tedious?

    To anyone who might have chosen to stay onboard, was the boat trip to Arnhem of any interest, or was it all industrial?

    We'll be spending several days in Amsterdam prior to the cruise, I expect, so wondering about the worthwhileness of being trotted around for a half day when we could be relaxing.

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