scandinavia trip August 17

I have booked the Scandinavia trip and will arrive in Stockholm 2 days before the tour starts. Any suggestions for day trips, sightseeing in Stockholm?


  • In town you will want to do the royal palace, changing of guards, canal tour, take ferry to see the castle royal family live in now, out door folk museum, and Nordic museum. The last 2 can be done on free after noon of tour. Just finished this trip. Had great weather and was a great trip. TD Paul was great.
  • edited July 2014
    Hi crackers 54

    We were in touch with each other before, possibly about Venice and the Dalmatian Coast or.Essence of South America... I don't remember. But I do remember you wanted to go to Scandinavia in June. I'm leaving August 1st to get there a day early for the August 3rd trip! I'd love to talk to you about yours but don't know if Tauck will publish my phone or email. I'm Julie Lipp and my phone is 212 688-9838. My email is
    You loved this trip!!!!....and I'd love to talk to you in person. And, by the way, where did you get your sweaters?

    Hope to hear from you!

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